Synopsis of the Novel, How to Break Article Noun
Winner of the 2012 Kenneth Patchen Award for the Innovative Novel, Carolyn Chun's novel How to Break Article Noun explores the aftermath of a heart-breaking breakup. Chun examines the implications of the rupture through various lenses -- from the fragility of glass objects, to the complexity of physics, to the beauty of poetry. While short and character-driven, How to Break Article Noun is a technically masterful work that combines a narrative with conceptual undertones, simultaneously exploring the limits of the traditional novel form.
About the Author, Carolyn Chun
Carolyn Chun was born in Pennsylvania in 1980. She studied mathematics and physics at Rutgers and subsequently received her doctor of philosophy in mathematics and her master of fine arts in creative writing from Louisiana State University. In 2009, Chun received a grant from the National Science Foundation and moved to Wellington, New Zealand, to pursue a postdoc position in mathematics, operations research, and statistics at Victoria University. Chun has been recognized for her innovative works of fiction and her technical approach to the novel form, illustrated by her award for How to Break Article Noun at the Kenneth Patchen Innovative Fiction Award.