Synopsis of the Anthology, A-Way with It! Contemporary Innovative Fiction
This Anthology brings together the work of some of the most innovative authors in contemporary fiction. The authors in this volume of The Journal of Experimental Fiction have demonstrated time and again that they have a way with words. Literature is driven by language, and these folks understand how to use language better than most. They prod it, ply it, tweak it, fry it, sling it, smash it, caress it, destroy it, uphold it, defend it, laugh at it, play with it, split it, spit on it, cajole it, stir it, freeze it, melt it, stomp on it, and hold it up for all to see as if it were the most precious thing in the entire world. Maybe it is.
About the Editor, Eckhard Gerdes
Eckhard Gerdes is an acclaimed author of poetry, drama, and fourteen books of fiction. He has won the Bissell Award, been a finalist for the Starcherone and the Blatt awards, and was nominated for Georgia Author of the Year. His novels Hugh Moore and My Landlady the Lobotomist have earned him critical acclaim, and his most recent books are a tongue-in-cheek work of creative nonfiction, How to Read (Guide Dog Books); a novel, White Bungalows (Dirt Heart Pharmacy Press); and a collection, Three Plays (Black Scat Books). He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and has three children and five grandchildren.