Synopsis of the Art and Literary Work, Literary Yoga
Struggling with your iambs and pentameters? Characters and plots? Have you hit the concrete wall of a writer's block? Or are you having the time of your life seeing your pen trace out graceful meanders of words on the blank pages before you or your fleet fingers make letters dutifully jump off the keyboard of your laptop onto the screen above it? Whichever is the case, you must try these 100 exercises the artist and educator in Yuriy Tarnawsky has conjured up for you. What the gentle stretching on the yoga mat does for your muscles and joints, these painful tasks will do for the writing talents inside you. You may return to them again and again and again.
About the Author, Yuriy Tarnawsky
Yuriy Tarnawsky has authored some three dozen books of fiction, poetry, drama, essays, and translations in Ukrainian and English, including the novels Meningitis, and Three Blondes and Death, the collections of short fictions Short Tails and Crocodile Smiles, The Placebo Effect Trilogy collection of interrelated mininovels Like Blood in Water, The Future of Giraffes, and View of Delft, the novels Warm Arctic Nights and The Iguanas of Heat, the play Not Medea, a volume of Heuristic poetry Modus Tollens, and the book of essays Claim to Oblivion. He was born in Ukraine, but was raised and educated in the West. An engineer and linguist by training, he has worked as a computer scientist, specializing in Artificial Intelligence, at IBM Corporation and as a professor of Ukrainian literature and culture at Columbia University. For his contribution to Ukrainian literature, in 2008, he was awarded the Prince Yaroslav the Wise Order of Merit by Ukrainian government. He resides with his wife Karina in the New York City metropolitan area.