Longing Letters Lasting, Lasting Letters Longing

Short-Fiction Collection by Vahid Paeez

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Regular price $17.00

According to Samuel Beckett's Molloy, "Saying is inventing. Wrong, very rightly wrong... All I know is what the words know, and the dead things." Longing Letters Lasting, Lasting Letters Longing tells stories, shows there is still something to say, that longing words, short or long, long for words to last, to be, to construct, to deconstruct, and to reconstruct. Words outlive death in the universes pictured by this book where meaning continues to be the activity of comprehension, to be made, not to be found. Born out of letters, words, and sentences that have joined the existential game of seeing and saying, those who enter the factually fictional world of this book find themselves following the legless scarecrows to be warmly welcomed by the snowmen in the land of the word-flame burning in the meaning-ice.

About the Author

Vahid is from the land of the Thousand-and-One-Nights, located on the third planet from the sun, gifted with a curious mind.  A diligent immigrant, who has worked enthusiastically to add more value to his chosen country, Vahid’s aesthetic, moral and intellectual sensibilities have neither dulled nor blinded him to the fact of having to recreate himself ever since he found himself washed up on the shores of the Pacific.   

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