Synopsis of the Anthology, Journal of Experimental Fiction 50
This Anthology is the 50th edition of the Journal of Experimental Fiction and contains some of the most innovative fiction being published in the world today. It features examples of experimental writing by a number of brilliant experimental writers, and is widely recognized as the preeminent source of innovative fiction. Readers can expect to find the absolute best work being written in English.
About the Editor, Eckhard Gerdes
Eckhard Gerdes is an acclaimed author of poetry, drama, and fourteen books of fiction. He has won the Bissell Award, been a finalist for the Starcherone and the Blatt awards, and was nominated for Georgia Author of the Year. His novels Hugh Moore and My Landlady the Lobotomist have both been recognized with awards, and his most recent works include How to Read, White Bungalows, and Three Plays. He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois, with his three children and five grandchildren.